The Chapel Hub has re-opened its doors
Things may be a little bit different – but the welcome is just as warm as ever!
We are open:
Monday and Thursday afternoons 2 – 4 pm
(Thursdays we open a little earlier at 1.30 pm to allow for treats before Storytime)
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday mornings 10 am – 12 noon
The Book Club meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 7.30 pm. Everyone is welcome.
Computer Friends each Monday from 2 pm
1 to 1 lessons and computer help
if you would like help contact Dave McAsey 700800 or just pop-in
Story Times for pre-schoolers are held each Thursday afternoon at 2 pm in term time
Knitting Together is on Tuesday’s 10 am – 12 noon; and Thursdays 2 – 4 pm
Table Tennis in the Schoolroom on Mondays from October to April
Please contact Jean Holmes if you are interested 01642 700448.
The Leadership Group meets monthly for updates, planning and discussion
The Hub Operations Team meets every four weeks;
Church Council meets 3 times each year;
The Christian Partnership Council meets approximately 3 times each year;
Film Shows when requested